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Humanists say their message is being suppressed
23 Jun 2015
British humanists claim that they are being left out in public dialogue about the question of existence, so they are campaigning for more exposure.
by Warren Nunn
Flying high
Flying high: Interview with Dr Andy McIntosh
by Chris Field
Flood models and flat-earthers
04 Dec 2011
How do we decide between different flood models?
by Dr Tas Walker, Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Do ‘laterite’ soils take a million years to form?
09 Nov 2018
Do ‘laterite’ soils take a million years to form?
by Shaun Doyle
Robert Carter gets everything wrong?
10 Jul 2021
Daniel Stern-Cardinale and Joshua Swamidass have made many false claims about creationism and creationists. DSC and Erika “Gutsick Gibbon” were at it again recently, but once again refused to listen to our answers.
by Robert Carter
Pollen problem
10 Aug 2015
Dinosaur dioramas in museums and children’s books on dinosaurs should now include flowers.
by Don Batten
Radioisotope methods and rock ages
29 Dec 2017
Research provides evidence that nuclear transmutation rates were dramatically higher in the past.
by John Baumgardner
Why is Jesus crucial for Creation?
17 May 2014
Some Jews and Muslims are creationists, too. So why do we emphasize the Gospel?
by Lita Sanders
Setting the captives free …
10 Apr 2014
How do you attract an atheist (or two!) to church?
by David Catchpoole
How did Adam and Eve ‘become like God in knowing good and evil’?
05 Feb 2022
What did Adam and Eve learn? How did God ‘know good and evil’?
by Shaun Doyle
Who was Adam?
18 Sep 2014
Just as Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon, our ancestor Adam was notable for many ‘firsts’.
by Andrew Rowell
Another devastating critique of neo-Darwinism
02 Aug 2019
One more powerful critique of neo-Darwinism.
by Dominic Statham