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‘Life’ according to the Bible, and the scientific evidence
‘Life’ according to the Bible, and the scientific evidence
by James Stambaugh
Is the earth a flat disc or globe?
Answering from observations of the moon’s phases.
by KeeFui Kon
Answering a moral relativist
08 Jul 2017
A critic says morality has evolutionary roots, and blasts creationists for their “narrow” worldview.
by Keaton Halley
Organized complexity—how atheistic assumptions hinder science
05 Feb 2016
Can the problems of ordered complexity be solved by using the tools of randomness?
by Russ White
Ghosts in the rocks
14 Jul 2011
How scientific are evolutionary explanations of the fossil record?
by Shaun Doyle
Practical Evangelism: Taking the Roof Off
30 Jul 2015
A strategy for sharing the Gospel with skeptical friends.
by Paul Price
A 'genealogical' Adam and Eve?
25 Feb 2020
A new model that claims Adam and Eve can be the genealogical ancestors, but not the genetic ancestors, of all people alive today, after people evolved from apes, fails all biblical tests.
by Robert Carter and John Sanford
Retroactive death!
30 Jun 2011
Did God save people retroactively when Jesus died on the cross? Did God curse the world for what Adam was going to do (sin) before Adam did it, as Bill Dembski claims?
by Calvin Smith
Dark radiation in big bang cosmology
11 Nov 2014
First dark matter, then dark energy; now another mysterious entity is invented to explain a conflict between theory and observation.
by John Hartnett
Is geology tainted by bias?
10 May 2014
A critic claims that geologists are not biased when it comes to interpreting the age of the earth.
by Gary Bates
No coincidence
10 Mar 2016
The earth is a ‘privileged planet’ and was specially created to support life.
by Dominic Statham
Winning the war
05 May 2014
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by David Catchpoole