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The teeth of the patriarchs
20 Mar 2010
With the likes of Adam, Methuselah, Noah and Shem living for hundreds of years, how could the enamel and dentin of their teeth have lasted for so long?
by Carl Wieland
Long-distance boulder deposits reveal Noah’s Flood
09 Apr 2018
When rocks are found great distances from their place of origin, what explanation best fits such an occurrence?
by Michael Oard
Surveillance solution: mimicking a bug’s eye view
25 Aug 2008
Inspired by insect vision: new camera technology that can pick up detail in light and dark at the same time.
by David Catchpoole
Analysis of the ‘family tree’ published for Puijila in Nature 2009
by Carl Werner
Looking at the original kinds
06 Dec 2017
Examining the abundance of variations within creatures after Noah’s Flood.
by Henry M. Morris
Much supposed geological time missing from strata
27 Jul 2018
Deep time is more gap than rock record
by Michael Oard
Christians cannot avoid the issue of evolution
04 Mar 2012
Some Christians have tried to deal with the topic of evolution by simply avoiding it. Has it helped?
by Calvin Smith
Clearly Perceived
15 Aug 2013
A review of <em>Without Excuse</em> by Werner Gitt, in cooperation with Bob Compton and Jorge Fernandez
by Rachael Denhollander
Why do Christians have differing views?
14 Sep 2019
God inspired the Bible as completely accurate. So why does He allow us to have different opinions?
by Lita Sanders
Power evangelism
12 Jan 2009
Brad Tuttle flexes muscle for a purpose.
by Don Batten
Pastor defends Genesis against compromise
27 Aug 2018
This pastor recognized the danger in compromising on Genesis.
by Lita Sanders
Creation in-depth: The standing stones of creation
16 May 2014
Cold seeps are an enigmatic geological feature. Could they provide support for the Genesis Flood?
by Emil Silvestru