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Darwin’s Lamarckism vindicated?
01 Mar 2011
Darwin later rejected pure ‘Darwinism’ for Larmarckism and now discoveries in epigenetics suggest that inheritance of acquired characteristics does occur.
by Robert W Carter
Clarity and confusion
22 May 2009
Behe shows that mutation and selection can accomplish little—nothing like the hugely complex machinery of life. But ignoring the Bible leads to confusion over a coherent explanation.
by Don Batten
Inscriptions on the Cross
29 Mar 2024
Why do all four Gospels contain different versions? Does this indicate error?
by Russell Grigg
Which prey do predators eat?
23 Sep 2011
Do predators always take the weak, sick and young as evolutionists have long accepted and taught?
by E. Norbert Smith
The boy who’s proud to be a killer
22 Jan 2015
Is the troubled teenager who boasted about killing his teacher a product of evolutionary brainwashing?
by Warren Nunn
Does observational evidence indicate the universe is expanding?—part 1: the case for time dilation
19 Apr 2013
Creation in-depth: The case for time dilation
by John G Hartnett
Pew survey reveals basic ignorance of Christian belief
02 Nov 2010
Most American Christians showed alarming ignorance of their own faith. What’s the solution?
by GB, LC
6,000 years of biblical history:
27 Jan 2013
The article ‘How does the Bible teach 6,000 years?’ raised many questions about biblical chronology and authority.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
More false claims by Hugh Ross
07 Nov 2023
Hugh Ross makes excuses for ignoring Refuting Compromise, and claims that YECs have ignored A Matter of Days.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Darwin fossil hyper-hype
23 May 2009
The public hoopla over this fossil belies its real significance. Perhaps it is not really about science at all.
by Don Batten
The Bible vs slavery and apartheid
11 Apr 2009
Atheopaths love to blame slavery and apartheid on the Bible. Rather, slavery was a worldwide evil finally abolished by biblical Christians, and apartheid’s architect had a strong evolutionary philosophy.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Creation in-depth: Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
15 Aug 2014
Not poor design!
by Jerry Bergman