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A long-overdue review of A Civic Biology
01 Sep 2020
A Civic Biology was the centerpiece of the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial. It is high time to review what was in that textbook.
by Robert W Carter
Carbon 14—still drawing a blank
26 Sep 2020
A CMI supporter writes in with a comment about the assumptions made behind the method of carbon 14 dating.
by Gavin Cox
Darwinian evolution was basis of Nazi legal system
05 Nov 2008
The experience of Nazi Germany has important lessons for us today—crucial for the preservation of our human freedom and happiness.
by n/a
2011 Super conference report
15 Sep 2011
2011 Super Conference attendees from all over the world speak out about a fantastic weeklong conference.
by Richard Fangrad
Candles turned to stone
03 May 2021
Found deep in a mine, they help demonstrate the length of time needed to turn buried animal and plant remains into rock
by Jonathan O’Brien
Mightiest, 'multi-million-year-old' millipede
06 Jan 2022
A newly discovered fossil of Arthropleura, a giant millipede, provides good evidence of having been buried during Noah’s Flood.
by Gavin Cox
Dark matter search comes up empty
14 Dec 2020
Despite the latest failure to detect dark matter, why do they continue searching?
by John Hartnett
Making the movie
24 Aug 2009
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of an article from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Carl Wieland
What about carbon dating?
Creation Answers Book chapter 4: What about carbon dating?
Termites—to the glory of God!
22 Apr 2020
How termites reflect the glory of their Creator.
by Don Batten
Answering questions about discrimination and information
09 Sep 2012
Should we discriminate against homosexual practices? And is the information problem a valid argument against evolution?
by Lita Cosner, Rob Carter
Lowest common denominator Christianity?
19 Apr 2018
Some people claim to subscribe to “mere Christianity”. Should we support “mere creationism”?
by Lita Sanders