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Genesis authenticated in clay
06 Apr 2015
Ancient clay tablets confirm Genesis to be the true account of human history.
by Dominic Statham
Probing the earth’s deep places
31 May 2023
Interview with plate tectonics expert Dr John Baumgardner.
by Carl Wieland and Don Batten
The Wisdom of God: Jesus or a created thing?
30 Jan 2010
A reader asks about a pastor’s claim that the first thing God created was Wisdom.
by CW (with addendum by Lita Cosner)
Christopher Hitchens—blind to salamander reality
26 Jul 2008
A well-known atheist’s ‘eureka moment’ shows the desperation of evolutionists.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Darwin, Spurgeon and the ‘black dog’
22 Dec 2021
How consistent Darwinism eliminates any ultimate meaning in life.
by Carl Wieland
Einstein’s heroes
16 Mar 2015
Einstein had pictures of three famous scientists on his study wall. Who were they, and why does it matter?
by Shaun Doyle
Starlight and time—a further breakthrough
05 Jan 2009
An Australian physics professor shows how light would have reached Earth from the most distant stars in an extremely short time, demolishing one of the major objections to biblical creation.
by Carl Wieland
If Jesus paid the penalty for sin, why do Christians die?
21 Feb 2017
We respond to the question: if Jesus’ death paid the penalty for sin, why do Christians still die?
by Lita Sanders
Vintage Journal: The origin of life
18 Feb 2011
A critique of current scientific models
by Aw Swee-Eng
God … in Math?
Math’s very ability to work is a testimony to God’s faithfulness.
by Katherine Loop
How do we know God created nature?; and: The religious nature of evolution
13 Jan 2013
If we accept evolution, and thus reject the accuracy of the Bible, what basis do we have left for even saying that He created?
by Carl Wieland
Where is Noah’s Ark?
12 Jul 2011
A closer look at the biblical clues.
by D Russell Humphreys