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Tooth enamel: sophisticated materials science
22 Mar 2023
Why are teeth so tough, although they are coated with material as brittle as glass? Because of so-called imperfections, as well as other features!
by Jonathan Sarfati
Jerry R Bergman, biology
Why he believes in six day creation.
Why did Jesus have to die?
14 Jun 2014
If only the sinful die, why did Jesus?
by Lita Sanders
Infinity through dark glasses
03 May 2011
Even something as straightforward as mathematics can give us a glimpse of things our finite minds find hard to grasp—but they’re real nonetheless.
by not supplied
Watery catastrophe deduced from huge Ceratopsian dinosaur graveyard
24 Jan 2008
Are the usual uniformitarian explanations of river floods big enough to explain these graveyards?
by Michael J. Oard
Giants of the deep
10 Jul 2013
Ancient sailors’ accounts of giant tentacled sea monsters battling whales seem to be now showing up a basis in fact.
by David Catchpoole
On the origin of universes by means of natural selection
09 Oct 2014
Because our universe is in such a stable state, it speaks of a Creator and causes major headaches for atheists.
by John G. Hartnett
Does the Bible allow polygamy?
06 Mar 2010
A correspondent asks about guidance for his country’s new converts to Christ who come from areas where polygamy is common. Another asks about the ‘Hobbit’ classified as Homo floresiensis.
by JS & L Cosner
Countering the Rise of Atheism
16 Mar 2010
The atheists refused CMI’s offer to a debate so CMI arranged a public seminar on the same weekend as their global convention where people could hear what the atheists tried to hide.
by Tas Walker
What’s the point of the pyramids?
30 Apr 2021
Does it have something to do with Creation and Noah’s Flood?
by Gavin Cox
Dinosaur and mammal tracks found together
27 Feb 2018
Highly concentrated fossil tracks found near NASA Goddard Space Center support Noah’s Flood
by Michael Oard
Creation in the research lab
Creation in the research lab
by Carl Wieland and Don Batten