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Translating Creation
29 Apr 2010
Folk in non-English speaking nations are getting an increasing number of vital creation materials translated, but the fields are still white unto harvest.
by Margaret Wieland
Manta motion marvel
09 Jul 2018
The swimming motion of manta rays is the envy of marine robotics engineers.
by David Catchpoole
Massive flood impacted Caspian Sea and Eurasia
12 Dec 2020
How to link the evidence to Noah’s Flood
by Tas Walker
28 Mar 2022
How the sun and moon cause our super-helpful tides
by Robert Carter
Missing Matter found?
01 May 2021
A new study claims to have found the same amount of matter as the Big Bang predicted
by Joshua Howells
The ‘common sense’ argument for evolution
13 Nov 2018
Is evolution ‘common sense’? Is there even such a thing as ‘common sense’?
by Jerry Bergman
Creation couple
16 Jan 2019
Joel Tay interviews Michael and Shouchin Man.
by Joel Tay
Correcting a cultist with truth and grace
09 Jan 2018
Many Christians are intimidated by false religions, but the most loving thing we can do is point people to the truth.
by Lita Sanders
Ancient Apocalypse ‘hooey’
21 Jan 2023
Graham Hancock’s popular Netflix TV series, Ancient Apocalypse, challenges the evolutionary status quo, proposing civilization is older than claimed, however, his ideas are not friendly to biblical history either.
by Gavin Cox
Countering emotional attacks on creation
19 Feb 2019
Those who oppose God often use emotional arguments. Are you ready to respond?
by Tas Walker
Redemptive history and evolution don’t mix
28 Feb 2019
Theistic evolutionists
by Lita Sanders
Time to refuel? (Or not!)
27 Jul 2015
In modern cars, there is often a warning light that comes on when it’s ‘time to refuel’. The human body, too, has a similar thing—except that in some people, it’s broken.
by David Catchpoole