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Brilliant builder-bees!
07 Sep 2020
Tetragonula carbonaria are stingless bees that build complex spiral brood combs. Scientists have likened these to crystals, but bees are far more complex than crystals.
by Gavin Cox
Momentous ministry tour impacts the Church in South Africa!
08 Sep 2015
Creation ministry tour ‘switched many on’ to the foundational importance of Genesis to the Gospel!
by Johan Kruger
Redressing the imbalance
25 Oct 2011
Correct information (truth) shines a ‘light’ in this dark world
by Gary Bates
Exegetical methods and the Gospel
20 Feb 2016
Answering the question: is the grammatical-historical method really the only good way to interpret Scripture? And pointing a troubled person to the Gospel.
by Lita Sanders
Effective witnessing with creation evangelism
11 Nov 2017
We suggest some ways Christians might use creation resources in practical ways to reach unbelieving friends.
by Lita Sanders
Taylor Head, Nova Scotia
29 Jan 2008
Discover evidence for Noah’s Flood in a government brochure, if you know what to look for and ignore the dates.
by Tas Walker
Ambopteryx – bird or bat-winged reptile?
30 Jul 2019
Is it a bird? A bat? No, it’s Ambopteryx! Multiple characteristics show that new fossil is likely a bird.
by Matthew Cserhati
Charles Darwin and the golden rule
by John Collyer
David White, B.Sc. (Genetics), B. Prosthetics and Orthotics
Does God give permission to eat meat?
21 Mar 2020
A reader writes in with a question regarding whether God gave permission to eat meat.
by Lita Sanders
Bipedal apes, australopithecines and human evolution
17 Apr 2020
The complexities of turning a non-biped ape into something that walks bipedally appears to be totally ignored by evolutionists when they peddle their just-so stories.
by Peter Line
Focus: creation news and views
Focus Creation news and views 34(4).
by Various