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Is the male reproductive system poorly designed?
08 Feb 2019
The male reproductive system is not poorly designed.
by Jerry Bergman
All at once
22 Feb 2010
A new discovery highlights the puzzle for evolutionary researchers as to why civilizations and languages seem to have arisen suddenly and simultaneously across the world. If only they considered Genesis …
by Carl Wieland
Is God Science reading Genesis 1 ‘properly’?
07 Jun 2011
It’s time to stop reinterpreting Genesis and start challenging the ‘science’
by Dr Tas Walker
‘Glacier Girl’ on a mission
31 Aug 2007
Flying again after decades covered by ice.
by Shaun Doyle
Conservation and a biblical approach to nature
11 Oct 2012
When man correctly understands his God-given place in nature, he can understand how he is supposed to treat nature.
by Marc Ambler
Genesis: History … or Mystery?
16 Apr 2008
Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. But what would happen if there were no history to learn from?
by Calvin Smith
Creation in-depth: The Darwinian core of Nazism
25 Jul 2014
A review of Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview by Jerry Bergman.
by John Woodmorappe
Firefly lanterns inspire LED lenses
08 Jan 2013
Firefly lenses have fine structure allowing optimal light transmission. LED lenses inspired by that structure similarly allow more light transmission.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
God’s justice, mercy, and creation
31 Dec 2016
We answer a question about God’s justice and whether it is loving for God to require belief to be saved.
by Lita Sanders
The Bible’s days are numbered!
11 Jan 2022
Would you have answered these ‘True or False?’ questions as these high school students did?
by David Catchpoole
So, you’re doing a report on Creation vs Evolution …
Advice on how to write a winning report that doesn’t compromise on the truth.
Exploring the heavens
01 Dec 2008
Former New South Wales (Australia) Government Astronomer (Dr David King) affirms that the heavens do indeed declare God’s glory.
by Jonathan Sarfati