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Why not? And why?
05 Apr 2011
The power of asking the right questions.
by Yoke-Peng Kong
Rapid tomcod ‘evolution by pollution’?
22 Feb 2011
There’s something ‘fishy’ about how the word ‘evolution’ is used …
by Carl Wieland
Colourful creature coats
12 Apr 2017
Mutations cause variety in the coat colours of animals. These mutations are all ‘downhill’, in the wrong direction for mutations to make microbes-to-man evolution feasible.
by Jean Lightner
What makes us human?
01 Feb 2010
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Tas Walker
Golden evidence of the Genesis Flood
27 Oct 2008
Ever wondered why water-transported gold nuggets are found on the tops of hills and mountains?
by Jack Lange
The Design Paradigm
20 Nov 2009
The continued dominance of the design paradigm in architecture raises questions about the usefulness of evolutionary theory.
by Janet Henriksen
Stephen Hawking’s end of the universe
22 Dec 2012
Will the universe end in a ‘big chill’, as Stephen Hawking predicts, or is there a better future for those who acknowledge God’s sovereignty and lordship?
by Russell Grigg
‘Big Man’ and ‘Lucy’
23 Sep 2010
Was the latest fossil find, ‘Big Man,’ a large australopith (an extinct primate like the famous Lucy)? If we ignore the dating, he might turn out to be a human.
by Peter Line
Darwin’s Point
16 Oct 2020
Is a tiny lump on the rim of some human ears evidence for evolution?
by Jerry Bergman
More “RNA world” claims
31 Oct 2009
Has spontaneous RNA self-replication been found, and is it evidence for chemical evolution? And is CMI ignorant of speciation?
by Jonathan Sarfati and Lita Cosner
The illogic of anti-creationism
05 Aug 2013
Many of the arguments against creation and Christianity are mutually contradictory. A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Jonathan Sarfari
The tide is changing …
14 Jan 2014
Are you equipped to answer the world’s challenges to biblical authority?
by Scott Gillis