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Church censors biblical creation
13 Oct 2009
The Melbourne Anglican requests an article from CMI and then refuses to publish it because the editor could not find anyone willing to write a countering article.
by Don Batten
Evolution’s oyster twist
17 Sep 2014
How do you go from ‘flat’ oysters to coiled shells?
by David catchpoole
Bacterial mutations plus biblical geology
26 Feb 2011
Do bacteria suffer the same genetic entropy as multicellular organisms? Is the Flood the best biblical explanation for the geological record?
by Don Batten, Carl Wieland
An important academic resource
14 Oct 2011
A review of Coming to Grips with Genesis: Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth by Terry Mortenson and Thane H. Ury (Eds.)
by Andrew S Kulikovsky
The universe of the lone brain
25 Mar 2019
In wrestling with the overwhelming evidence of design around us, atheists propose explanations somewhere beyond this world; even in imagined other universes.
by Paul Price
Did a lake exist under the north-western Laurentide Ice Sheet?
14 Jul 2017
Do sediment cores from Canada’s Great Slave Lake give support to such an idea?
by Michael J. Oard
What a relief …
11 Jun 2011
A supporter testifies to the damage of long-age thinking to Christian faith; plus, the meaning of ‘devolve’, and more.
by Carl Wieland, Jonathan Sarfati
Gene duplication, protein evolution, and the origin of shrew venom
16 Oct 2015
Darwinists hold up gene duplication as evidence for ‘goo-to-you’ evolutionary change but the reality is much different.
by Dr Jean Lightner
True versus false humility
27 Dec 2012
How does a person’s view of Genesis relate to the humility of the incarnate Son of God? If he or she desires to be Christ-like, there is a very clear relationship.
by Philip Bell
Modern science catches up with Neandertal man
21 Jun 2019
Modern science shows that Neandertals are fully human.
by Jean O'Micks
The ‘windows of heaven’ are figurative
08 Jul 2022
Reading a 'solid sky' into a biblical metaphor is a mistake. Accusations that the Bible adopted a bogus ancient Near Eastern cosmology fall flat.
by Keaton Halley
Animal suffering and western sensibility
12 Apr 2012
Christians who believe in ‘millions of years’ argue that animal suffering and violence in the wild are ‘good’, and are problems only for oversensitive Westerners. The Bible indicates otherwise.
by Robert Gurney