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Hands and feet—uniquely human, right from the start!
Hands and feet—uniquely human, right from the start!
by Dr Joachim Vetter
Fast-forming ‘Fly Geyser’
29 Dec 2014
This travertine rock formation in Nevada didn’t need millions (or even thousands) of years to form
by Jonathan O’Brien
The world of bats
29 Apr 2015
Bats are such unique creatures that their existence in the fossil record causes immense problems for evolutionary explanations of their supposed development.
by Brian W. Grantham-Hill
The irreducibly complex ribosome is a unique creation in the three domains of life
30 Nov 2018
Is the ribosome designed? Are there differences between the ribosomes in the different domains of life?
by Matyas Cserhati and Warren Shipton
Walking monkey business in Israel
by Carl Wieland
The remarkable Captain Robert FitzRoy
17 Apr 2019
The man in charge of the Beagle was known for his Christian character as well as his great skill as a mariner.
by Nicos Kaloyirou
Enoch: The man who walked with God
02 Nov 2020
The genealogy in Genesis 5 is a somber history of death—with one startling exception
by Lita Sanders
The Israelites
02 Sep 2021
The origin of the Israelites is detailed in the Bible, but people tend to have an oversimplified understanding of the sons of Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham.
by Robert Carter and Lita Sanders
The Woolly Mammoth
04 Jul 2022
The unique conditions and short timespan of the biblical Ice Age explain how Wooly Mammoths were buried and preserved.
by Michael Oard
Patrick Matthew—the Scot who pre-empted Darwin
11 Aug 2015
Many people believe that Charles Darwin was the originator of the theory of evolution. In fact, a little-known Scottish laird wrote about natural selection when Darwin was still a creationist.
by Dominic Statham
The Salt Range saga
16 Jul 2020
The Salt Range of Pakistan has yielded some very interesting fossils—that according to evolution should not have been found!
by Paul Price
Folding rocks and atheists’ right to teach
10 Oct 2009
If Christians want to be allowed to teach what they believe, then why shouldn’t atheists enjoy the same freedom?
by Don Batten and Emil Silvestru