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Speedy sharks and golf balls
27 Oct 2021
A key design feature of modern golf balls has been found on sharks, too.
by David Catchpoole
Rock language: is there such a thing?
08 Feb 2010
Some people say the rocks cry out but others just hear a stony silence.
by Tas Walker
The tarsier’s ‘secret speech’
01 Feb 2016
When the tarsier opened its mouth and no sound could be heard, people thought it was simply yawning or stretching. How wrong they were.
by David Catchpoole
Analogy and geology—the ‘science’ of Charles Lyell
21 Oct 2016
A deistic view of the ‘order of nature’ influenced Charles Lyell’s approach to geology, not observational science.
by Dominic Statham
Lithium deposits at Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
14 Feb 2015
How to understand its formation and the origin of the lithium deposits.
by Tas Walker
Misunderstanding creation
08 Nov 2013
A review of Holman QuickSource™ Guide to Understanding Creation by Mark Whorton and Hill Roberts.
by Andrew Kulikovsky
The Bronze Tree of Sanxingdui
05 Sep 2006
The Bronze Tree of Sanxingdui: Is it the oldest man-made Genesis artefact?
Rational scientists and homosexual dogmatism
06 Jun 2015
How can we respond to aggressive pro-homosexual dogma? Also, a CMI reader notes an irony about allegedly rational evolutionary scientists.
by Keaton Halley
The false gospel of Darwinism
24 Nov 2016
Evolution is actually a religion—complete with its own origins story and messiah. Are you ready to answer it?
by Gary Bates
What’s wrong with Hindu pantheism?
09 Sep 2017
What arguments can be given in response to the Advaita tradition in Hinduism?
by Shaun Doyle
Saving the ‘billions of years’ age of Titan
24 Feb 2014
Saturn’s moon Titan is sinking old-age ideas, despite rescue attempts.
by David Coppedge
Creation in-depth: Where is the post-Flood boundary?
09 May 2014
Creationists disagree over where to place the post-Flood boundary in the rocks. Creationist researcher Michael Oard argues that the boundary is generally in the Late Cenozoic.
by Michael J Oard