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A hard time finding God
22 Jun 2014
The ‘evidence’ David Attenborough and others present for evolution has caused a reader to question his faith.
by Carl Wieland
Climate change and LGBT issues. What’s the Creation connection?
24 Sep 2020
How does biblical creation allow us to
by Gary Bates
More ‘monkey business’ in Tennessee?
19 Apr 2012
From a hot July courtroom in 1925, the battle rages on today in Tennessee.
by Scott Gillis
What would count as ‘new information’ in genetics?
26 Nov 2019
Let’s explore the answer to a common skeptical question about ‘new information’ in genetics.
by Paul Price, Robert Carter
A successful decade for Mendel’s Accountant
13 Nov 2020
Creationists have written the most sophisticated evolutionary modelling program to date. Mendel’s Accountant is the final nail in neo-Darwinian neutral theory coffin.
by Robert Carter
When God rescued King Hezekiah, part 3
16 Jan 2020
Archaeology confirms the biblical account—Jerusalem’s deliverance and Sennacherib’s end.
by Keaton Halley
Climate change & terrorism: a new political agenda?
19 Dec 2006
Whatever the reality of the current gloomy climate predictions, the current bandwagon is such that some have even compared normal scientific scepticism to terrorism.
by Emil Silvestru
Does the Ark of the Covenant have Egyptian influences?
29 May 2021
Egyptologists recognize the Ark of the Covenant has Egyptian influences in its design. How do we respond to such claims and still recognize the Bible is God’s unique Word?
by Gavin Cox
Stonehenge’s solar secrets
17 Mar 2022
New discoveries at Stonehenge reveal the ancient builders had accurate knowledge of the solar 365.25 day year.
by Gavin Cox
Golden oldie
12 Sep 2012
Today, Koelreuteria lives in its natural state only in China, Japan and Korea. Why so far from its fossils found in USA and Germany?
by David Catchpoole
John … the creation evangelist
23 Jun 2010
For two decades leading up to AD 90, John, the last Apostle alive, had seen false teaching infiltrating the 1st-century Church—a white-ant process which, if left unchecked, could ultimately have destroyed it.
by Russell Grigg
Unique species in far-away places
15 Sep 2013
How did they get there?
by John O'Brien