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Creation in-depth: Elasmosaurus? No, you goose …
04 Oct 2013
Is a dinosaur depicted in this ancient Egyptian hieroglyph?
by Carl Wieland
Dr Bryant G. Wood, B.S., M.S., M.A., Ph.D.
Who made God?
by By Gordon Howard
Can a cow become a hog?
07 Oct 2015
The way in which a cow turns sunshine, water and grass into milk defies evolutionary explanations.
by Tauna Powell
20 Dec 2014
A popular magazine publishes an article promoting the unscientific notion of spontaneous generation, and an even more absurd claim about microbes continually raining on the earth—but retraction appears unlikely.
by Renton Maclachlan
Process theism
19 Feb 2022
Is process theology compatible with the Bible?
by Shaun Doyle
Heresy in Israel!
19 Oct 2010
Chief Israeli education scientist Dr Gavriel Avital dismissed for denying evolution and global warming
by Shaun Doyle
Creation in-depth: The geologic column
10 Jan 2014
A global sequence?
by Michael Oard
Natural rafts carried animals around the globe
30 Jul 2012
How they carried animals around the globe.
by Dominic Statham
Are we nothing more than a bag of chemicals?
29 Jul 2010
An academic takes evolution to its logical conclusion—since people are essentially just rearranged pond scum in a Darwinian scenario, how can they be held responsible for committing crimes?
by Dominic Statham
Objecting to a biblical age for the earth
04 Aug 2012
The only so-called ‘science’ that contradicts the Bible’s age for the Earth makes baseless anti-biblical assumptions.
by Don Batten
The Earth’s magnetic field and the age of the Earth
The Earth’s magnetic field and the age of the Earth
by Andrew Snelling