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Biblical chronogenealogies
07 Oct 2023
Are there gaps in the genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Can mutations create new information?
28 Oct 2011
It depends on what you mean by ‘new’ and ‘information’ …
by Robert W Carter
Bible Questions and Answers
Questions and Answers relating to the Bible
Dinosaur soft tissue gets ‘ironic’ response
28 Jan 2014
The significant amount of soft tissue being found in dinosaur bones is causing evolutionists to grasp at straws in order to explain its existence.
by Calvin Smith
Clash over worldviews
06 Feb 2014
An analysis of the debate: Is creation a viable model for describing nature?
by Lita cosner, Scott Gillis, Keaton Halley
Anti-slavery activist William Wilberforce: Christian hero
20 Feb 2007
How biblical Christians were at the forefront of the abolition of slavery 200 years ago, while pro-slavers told them to keep their religion out of politics.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Creation—how did God do it?
11 May 2016
How did God create everything? He spoke (or willed) it all to come into existence; and it did.
by Russell Grigg
David Catchpoole, B.Ag.Sc. (Hons), Ph.D.
The carnivorous nature and suffering of animals
20 Feb 2009
Detailed biblical evidence shows that animals eating, hurting and killing each other is incompatible with the original ’very good’ creation. Therefore carnivory must have begun after the Fall.
by Robert J. M. Gurney
The ten plagues of Egypt
22 Feb 2012
Are naturalistic explanations of the ten plagues of Egypt valid?
by Russell Grigg
Genesis: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle
06 Jan 2009
A popular Canadian public speaker tells it like it is.
by Calvin Smith
Has NASA Discovered a “Missing Day”?
Joshua routed the Amorites at Gibeon, enabled by a double-length day. Did NASA find proof?
by Bert Thompson