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Bonebox bashers blasted
by Jonathan Sarfati
What is there to celebrate about Darwin’s 200th birthday?
Look beneath the hoo-ha and what do you find?
by Tas Walker
David Attenborough’s First Life: Conquest
30 Aug 2022
Sir David tells the evolutionary story of how life proliferated on Earth, but the evidence he offers comfortably supports creation.
by Russell Grigg
Bugs, baramins and beauty
12 Oct 2009
Dr Gordon Wilson, an insect-specialising science professor who teaches creation evidences at his university, has some interesting angles on the purposes of all that design.
by Carl Wieland
Evolutionists retreating from the arena of science
03 Dec 2009
Their regress to unfalsifiable positions is now evident in every arena where they once triumphed.
by Dave Woetzel
Fantastic fibre-optics—sponge’s super spicules
by Jonathan Sarfati
Out of Babel—not Africa: genetic evidence for a biblical model of human origins
25 Jun 2021
How recent genetics research supports the Bible’s history of humanity.
by Jeff Tomkins
Turtles at loggerheads with evolution
01 Oct 2012
Hatchling loggerhead turtles not only know which way to go, but where they are.
by David Catchpoole
Loaded terms
10 Nov 2013
Using words that speak the evolutionist’s language.
by Gary Bates
The search for Earth-like planets
01 Jul 2011
Improved technology is leading to interesting new findings regarding extrasolar planets.
by Wayne Spencer
Big bang universe “should not actually exist”
02 Sep 2019
In theory, we shouldn’t be here.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Getting a bad rap
06 Nov 2011
A recent interview in Creation magazine emphasized the rap group Destiny Lab’s biblical creationist views, and some readers were concerned that any association with rap is ungodly.
by Gary Bates