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Do claimed dates for Göbekli Tepe and the Lost City of Dwarka outdate the Bible’s timeline?
23 Dec 2021
Claimed dates for the Neolithic site Göbekli Tepe predate the Bible’s date of creation, and the Lost City of Dwarka supposedly predates the Flood—how should creationists respond?
by Gavin Cox
Splashing success
01 Nov 2017
A drop of rain brings on an explosive reaction that leads to new life.
by Rodney McQueen
Coming to accept the Creator, and special creation, through different paths
20 May 2016
Doug Sharp and Jerry Bergman show how leading creationists struggle against the odds to survive.
by John Woodmorappe
Flood meteorite bombardment
18 May 2012
What do 4 Vesta and achondritic meteorites tell us about the origin of impactors from the Flood bombardment?
by Carl R. Froede Jr
Can the relative timing of radioisotope dates be applied to biblical geology?
31 Mar 2017
Exploring the possibility that long-age radiometric dating correlates to biblical earth history.
by Michael J. Oard
Pole vaulting and creation
28 Jun 2023
Why does a pole-vaulting champ think that biblical Creation is vital for the Gospel?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Darwin’s termites
14 Mar 2018
When these insects mate and shed their wings, it flies in the face of Darwinian thought.
by Joachim Scheven
Cannibalism complaint against CMI
31 Jan 2009
A reader takes us to task for:
1. promoting what she regards as ‘cannibalism’
2. promoting ‘race mixing’
3. not teaching baptismal regeneration.
by Carl Wieland
Teaching creation and evolution
22 Apr 2012
It’s about teaching opposing histories of the world, and (where possible) showing how biblical creation is overall the one that best fits reality.
by Carl Wieland
Apartheid, racism, and biology
11 Dec 2011
Does biology have a place in our understanding of apartheid in South Africa?
by Carl Wieland
Settling for less
26 Dec 2014
A review of God’s Words in Human Words by Kenton L. Sparks
by J.P. Holding
“No To Racism” campaign backlash
27 Dec 2019
Will racism ever be eradicated? Does the world have the remedy? A return to biblical creation is needed: God made from one man every nation of mankind.
by Lucien Tuinstra