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Eve, the rib, and modern genetics
05 Aug 2019
Scientific investigation supports the idea that we descend from an original couple.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The big bang is not a Reason to Believe!
20 May 2014
A research physics professor, Dr John Hartnett points out how Scripture’s version of events differs completely from the big bang/long-ages model and defends creationist claims of problems with ‘inflation’.
by John G. Hartnett
Who wants to be a millionaire?
15 Aug 2007
A group is offering a prize of one million dollars for anyone who can demonstrate how the genetic code could come into existence naturally.
by Calvin Smith
Bird breathing anatomy breaks dino-to-bird dogma
16 Jun 2009
A new discovery about bird thighs and lungs seems to be the ‘nail in the coffin’ for the popular notion that they evolved from dinosaurs.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Chinese fossil layers and the uniformitarian re-dating of the Jehol Group
04 Mar 2016
How the dating evidence is forced to fit the dino-to-bird evolutionary paradigm.
by Andrew Sibley
Does Genesis allow any scientific theory of origin?
22 Jan 2012
The church fathers did not allegorize Genesis, as John Dickson claims, and his approach undermines the Gospel.
by Benno Zuiddam
Massive graveyard of parrot-beaked dinosaurs in Mongolia
10 Jun 2021
Paleontologists puzzle about the cause of death but miss the obvious clue.
by Tas Walker
Lunar volcanoes rock long-age timeframe
22 Jul 2020
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of an article from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Tas Walker, David Catchpoole
Epigenetics—an epic challenge to evolution
21 Apr 2015
Research indicates that many outward characteristics of organisms may be the result of ‘switching on’ of existing genes in response to the environment.
by Marc Ambler
Answering agnostic arguments
02 May 2015
Could you answer this agnostic’s arguments against Christianity and creation?
by Lita Sanders
320-million-year-old amber has flowering plant chemistry
11 Mar 2016
Why evolutionists try to explain such chemistry wouldn’t exist until over 100 million years later.
by Michael J Oard
Evolution Answers Book?
13 Apr 2012
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview from the now-released April issue of Journal of Creation. Subscribers will be delighted by the powerful, stimulating content.
by Philip Bell