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Planation surfaces formed by river piracy?
24 May 2019
Or do planation surfaces require a more catastrophic mechanism?
by Michael J. Oard
Some strengths and weaknesses of the polymer shield explanation for soft tissue fossils
27 Nov 2020
Does the evidence justify invoking this mechanism to preserve soft tissues for millions of years?
by Brian Thomas, Stephen Taylor, and Kevin Anderson
Living on Boulder Hill
23 Nov 2009
For years Mark Howard had watched builders digging on his housing estate but the significance of what they were uncovering never occurred to him.
by Mark Howard
Common examples of ‘one gene, one trait’ exposed
29 Jan 2021
Genetic complexity and interconnectedness show that many traits are much more complex than previously thought.
by Jerry Bergman
‘Billion-year’ fossil ‘balls’ (part 1)
01 Jun 2021
Balls of cells discovered in ancient rocks pushes back complexity and multi-cellularity to supposedly one billion years ago. Such evidence fits early biblical history far better than evolution.
by Gavin Cox
Salad-eating sharks
08 Jan 2020
Bonnethead sharks have short ‘carnivorous ancestry’ intestines, yet their stomachs have been found to contain up to 62% seagrass
by David Catchpoole
Ammonite in amber
26 Apr 2021
A sea creature found trapped in resin from a land tree
by Phil Robinson
How should we love and pray for those with whom we disagree?
15 Dec 2018
Responding to correspondents who take exception to our recent articles about Andy Stanley.
by Lita Sanders
The conflict between conservation and Darwinian natural selection
11 Mar 2021
Laudable conservation efforts are predicated on the belief that nature shouldn’t change over time, but this doesn’t sit well with the prevalent evolutionary belief that nature does change over time.
by Andrew Sibley
Dinosaurs and the ‘Power of the paradigm’
06 Mar 2018
What is ‘paradigm blindness’ and how can creationists counter it?
by Gary Bates
A response to a long Sojourn advocate
30 Oct 2021
Scholars debate the length of time the Israelites spent in Egypt, but the long Sojourn view of 430 years has more weaknesses than most assume
by Robert Carter
Focus: creation news and views
Focus Creation news and views 30(4).
by Various