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Page 232 of 486 (5824 Articles)
Ice-bound plane flies again!
Ice layers and millions of years myth exposed.
by Carl Wieland
Helium in the Earth’s Atmosphere
Helium in the Earth’s Atmosphere
by David Malcolm
MOND over dark matter?
05 Jun 2008
Suggestions for a Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) may mean that a fundamentally new physics is needed.
by Bill Worraker
The god-of-the-gaps charge doesn’t stick
17 Aug 2023
Answering a prominent theistic evolutionist who claims that creationists argue for design based on ignorance.
by Keaton Halley
Dinosaur-faced chickens?
26 May 2015
Evolutionary beliefs that birds evolved from dinosaurs is creating muddled thinking about new experiments that modified the shape of bird beaks.
by Robert Carter
Fossil insect ears—deaf to evolution
16 Sep 2013
When evolution predictions go wrong …
by David Coppedge
Secular scientific problems with the Ice Age
03 Feb 2021
What drives their models and why they have scientific problems
by Michael Oard
To find the maker of the motor …
05 Nov 2013
How Ayn Rand and ATP synthase both point to the Creator of life.
by Renton Maclachlan
Biased broadcaster promotes a liberal agenda
30 Apr 2019
National broadcaster practiced in deceit—former BBC executive Robin Aitken exposes the mendacity of the UK’s Broadcasting Corporation.
by Philip Bell
What life is
08 Sep 2017
We need to know what it actually is before we can hope to explain its origin.
by Alex Williams
Reading ‘places’ in Genesis 1–11
21 Sep 2018
Does the use of ‘place’ in Genesis 1–11 indicate a historical focus?
by Alistair McKitterick
Newsweek attacks belief in Scripture
08 Jan 2015
Newsweek publishes a biased and uninformed attack on Christianity.
by Lita Sanders