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RNA Vaccines
03 Dec 2020
RNA vaccines have been developed to fight COVID-19. Are they dangerous? Will they modify our DNA?
by Robert Carter
Refuting Evolution
A handbook for students, parents, and teachers countering the latest arguments for evolution
by Jonathan Sarfati
Gary Bates
Like many Christians, Gary, formerly a convinced evolutionist, had difficulty upon his conversion in reconciling the so-called ‘facts’ of evolution with the Bible. His journey has now led him to be fully affirmed in the truth of God’s Word from the very first verse.
The evolution of the horse
22 Oct 2010
Why iconic horse series is actually argument against evolution
by Mats Molen
The lost squadron
25 May 2016
WWII fighter planes abandoned on a Greenland glacier were found 50 years later, already under 75 metres of ice.
by Carl Wieland
Where are all the people?
09 Jan 2013
How could the human population have grown to seven billion from the eight survivors of Noah’s Flood only 4,500 years ago?
by Don Batten
Why would a loving God allow death and suffering?
27 Feb 2024
How can we reconcile a God of love with the natural and moral evils in the world, including tragedies, atrocities, disabilities, and pain?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Should Genesis be taken literally?
08 Nov 2023
How would the original readers have understood it?
by Russell Grigg
Einstein, the universe, and God
05 Oct 2011
Einstein said: ‘God does not play dice with the universe’, but what did he mean by ‘God’, and was his ‘God’ anything like the God of the Bible?
by Russell Grigg
The way it really is: little-known facts about radiometric dating
23 Jun 2021
Long-age geologists will not accept a radiometric date unless it matches their pre-existing expectations.
by Tas Walker
Journal of Creation (TJ) Archive
Loving God with all your mind: logic and creation
Loving God with all your mind: logic and creation
by Jonathan Sarfati