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A ‘165 million year’ surprise
18 Oct 2017
Fossils emerging from a mudflow raise more questions than answers for long-age thinking.
by Andrew A. Snelling
God’s webspinners give chemists free lessons
11 Apr 2018
The production of man-made fibres that have bullet-stopping capabilities leaves behind dangerous chemicals and don’t match the wonders of a spiderweb.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Apologist Matt Walsh makes a seriously uninformed attack on biblical creationism
25 Oct 2018
Well-known Christian apologist and blogger Matt Walsh has made an uninformed attack against biblical (young-earth) creationism; CMI responds.
by Paul Price
‘Carnivorous’ dinosaurs had plant diet
27 Jan 2011
Theropods, the dino group that includes T.rex, were all predators, right? No, about half of them had a salad diet! See also how they challenge dino-to-bird dogma.
by Jonathan Sarfati and Liita Cosner
Stellar evolution and the problem of the ‘first’ stars
01 Mar 2007
Imaginary processes invoked for evolutionary origin of ‘first’ stars.
by Rod Bernitt
The blood-stained ‘century of evolution’
Many times more people have been killed this century, most by their own governments, than in all religious conflicts, ever.
by Carl Wieland
Holy war
03 Jun 2009
Who really opposed Darwin? Popular belief has it back to front …
by James Foard
Christian leaders who uphold Genesis
05 Aug 2014
Meet some theologians and prominent church leaders from around the world who support biblical creation.
by Don Batten
Adam and the immune system
30 May 2009
Did Adam have an immune system like ours? And if so, what was it for, if life was perfect and there were no diseases?
by Carl Wieland
Gay Marriage—a big stick to beat the church with
06 Mar 2014
Gay marriage is becoming the law of the land—and Christians are being ordered to cater to this in ways that violate our faith.
by Gary Bates
Anyone for tennis?
05 Jan 2022
When you successfully return your opponent’s shot, does he acknowledge the point?
by Mark Harwood
The remarkable language of DNA
22 Jun 2015
Rather than supporting a belief in evolution, as Richard Dawkins claims, the DNA code points to a designer.
by Dominic Statham