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Can you be a gay Christian?
25 Jun 2016
We tackle a sensitive and controversial question.
by Gary Bates, Lita Cosner
ID theorist blunders on Bible: Reply to Dr William Dembski
A critique of faulty ideas promoted by William Dembski relating to creationism and the intelligent design movement.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Melbourne atheist: the exterminator
04 May 2024
Evolutionary thinking has serious logical consequences, as shown by this scientist who advocates totalitarian population control measures—and is given free rein on Australia’s ABC radio.
by Bill Muehlenberg
Lea, the spaghetti lioness
24 Nov 2008
Lions are usually carnivores. But there’s one living today that grew up eating Italian pasta and vegetables—for seven years.
by David Catchpoole
The hummingbird: God’s tiny miracle
06 Apr 2016
Everything about the hummingbird shrieks perfect design rather than any random processes.
by Denis Dreves
STILL linking and feeding
12 Jul 2022
Reaching more people in the Church is critical to spreading the creation message.
by Carl Wieland
The panda thumbs its nose at the dysteleological arguments of the atheist Stephen Jay Gould
08 Dec 2017
Why one atheist’s arguments about pandas don’t stand up to scrutiny.
by John Woodmorappe
Is the human pharynx poorly designed?
08 May 2009
Evolutionists love to claim that our throat design is too poor for a creator. But its design is actually superior to the hypothetical alternatives.
by Jerry Bergman
Taxonomic manipulations likely common
04 Jan 2013
Evolutionary fossil charts which show ‘change’ in species and are sometimes used to date sedimentary rocks don’t survive close scrutiny.
by Michael J. Oard
‘No death before the Fall’?
03 Jun 2012
The importance of the distinction of nephesh chayyah life.
by Lita Sanders
Where did all the water come from?
13 Jul 2009
Skeptics object that there could not have been enough water for Noah’s Flood to cover the Earth’s highest mountains. But the answer is very simple.
by Tas Walker
The Alvis Delk human-dino footprints artefact
05 Jan 2019
Is it an ancient fossil indicating dino-human coexistence or a modern hoax?
by Tas Walker