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‘Origins questions’—evolutionists puzzled, creationists muzzled
20 Oct 2006
As research progressively uncovers things that thwart naturalistic explanations, evolutionists are left to wonder. But they refuse to hear of a Creator.
by David Catchpoole and Jonathan Sarfati
Evolutionary cladograms and malevolent, straw-men creationists
06 May 2011
A review of Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why it Matters by Donald R. Prothero.
by John Woodmorappe
Is faithless education possible?
02 Feb 2014
The claim that modern secular education is not religious, or neutral, is false; it is actually atheism.
by Don Batten
The Qu’ran, Messianic prophecy and Christianity
26 Nov 2011
A brief look at Islamic and Judaistic arguments against Christianity.
by Dr Don Batten, Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Losing our religion?
26 Aug 2014
According to New Scientist, we are losing our religion. But there’s more to the story than they’re willing to admit.
by Warren Nunn
Evolutionists in conflict over mammals living with dinos
21 Jan 2014
Evolution textbooks have said for years that placental mammals didn’t appear until after dinosaurs went extinct. But now many are saying that’s wrong.
by David Catchpoole
11 Jun 2018
As scientists continue to study the images provided by the NASA spacecraft New Horizons, preconceptions about Pluto have been replaced by lots of head-scratching.
by Russell Grigg
“God Science” and the Age of the Earth
10 May 2011
Should Christians accept the earth is billions of years old?
by Tas Walker
Ghostly coincidence in an unusual fish
17 May 2017
In the Amazon River there is a creature with ‘electric’ senses it uses both in attack and defense.
by Carl Wieland
Why did God give us a book?
15 Apr 2023
Out of all the possible modes of communication, why did God give us a book?
by Lita Sanders
An entire universe … wasted on us?
12 Sep 2013
A case study of evolutionary eisegesis.
by Lita Sanders
Can people be good without God?
15 Jul 2017
Is it really impossible for human beings to do anything good apart from God?
by Lita Sanders