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Bring on the hecklers?
24 Jul 2010
Don’t be too distressed if hecklers try to disrupt your efforts at creation evangelism. They might be doing some unintended good.
by Don Batten and Carl Wieland
How to reach into schools without reaching into schools!
14 Jun 2022
Reaching school teachers with information they’ve never heard before is the key to exposing students to creation.
by Gary Bates
Does animal death glorify God?
29 Jul 2017
Answering questions about the role of animal death in God’s creation, and what value God assigns to animal life.
by Lita Sanders
Mirror spider “like a disco ball”
03 Oct 2018
God’s amazing creation is full of never-ending surprises
by David Catchpoole
Mother’s Day and the Christian connection
11 May 2014
What’s behind the tradition that designates the second Sunday in May as a special one?
by Graham McDonald
Fossil range extensions continue
30 Jan 2015
Archaeological and palaeontological discoveries continue to push back the evolutionary story by millions of years.
by Michael J Oard
Racial reconciliation: where do we begin?
12 Jun 2020
Recent events have shown that racism is still very much a relevant issue. How should we respond as Christians?
by Lita Sanders
Responding to liberal scholarship on Behemoth
04 Aug 2020
Some liberal scholars are advancing a ‘lewd hypothesis’ about the description of Job’s behemoth in Job 40:17.
by Paul Price
Absolute truth—and winning the ‘culture wars’
05 Oct 2010
If Genesis does not mean what it says, it’s not only secularists who can pick and choose their morality. Christians can fall prey to this thinking too.
by Gary Bates
Recovery from evolution
Watershed moment washes away doubts for convinced evolutionist.
by Carl Wieland
Does CMI think women are inferior?
05 Feb 2011
A correspondent claims that CMI’s articles are demeaning to women; we respond.
by Lita Sanders
The flood chaser
12 Dec 2023
When Ron Neller studied how water affected the landscapes all over the world, he was on his way to becoming a biblical creationist and did not know it.
by tas Walker