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Haeckel the hero?
14 Jul 2012
Far from being a hero, Ernst Haeckel perpetrated a number of frauds.
by E. van Niekerk
Evolution’s influence on modern Bible translations
17 Dec 2014
Attempts to ‘modernize’ the Bible run into problems when they are based on anything other than the original language.
by Charles Taylor
Global meltdown, economic woes, and evolution
03 Oct 2008
With all the fingerpointing about who’s to blame, there may be a bigger picture underlying many of the changes in our society.
by Carl Wieland
Elephant Genome Project: evolutionary theory re-written
31 May 2018
The Elephant Genome Project reveals a new elephant species alive today, and rewrites the previously held evolutionary tree for elephants. Research findings fit nicely with the Biblical account.
by Joel Tay
Is the K/T the post-Flood boundary?—part 3: volcanism and plate tectonics
10 Aug 2012
Do volcanism and plate tectonics in the Tertiary provide strong evidence for identifying the post-Flood boundary with the K/T boundary?
by Michael J. Oard
Dinosaurs, desserts and ‘doggy bags’!
25 Apr 2015
Creative family uses Creation materials for child’s dinosaur-themed birthday party.
by Tersia and Andre Voskuil
A fatty tale
by Jasmine Ireland
Fallout facts
22 Dec 2016
The topic of the youth exodus from church is complex. Does the most extensive research ever done confirms that the teaching of evolutionary theory is the main reason it happens?
by Calvin Smith
A naturalist’s nightmare
05 Jul 2019
Is the fine-tuning of the universe evidence for divine design?
by Dominic Statham
The 19th Century ferment—Charles Lyell, Thomas Chalmers, Henry Drummond, Philip Henry Gosse
21 Oct 2015
The devastating effect that ‘new science’ had on men and women of faith in the nineteenth century.
by John Rendle-Short
Liaoceratops: a ‘missing link’ of the horned dinos?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Placental versus Marsupial: A tale of two ‘wolves’
25 Jun 2018
It’s not right to blame the dingo, just for the sake of promoting the evolutionary storyline.
by David Catchpoole