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Medieval misconceptions
03 Dec 2022
Many people wrongly call the Medieval period “the Dark Ages”. But most of what people “know” about that period is wrong!
by Jonathan Sarfati
How the Scriptures affirm a literal and historical six-day creation
12 Jan 2023
How can we tell that the Bible doesn’t just depict God making the world in six days?
by Shaun Doyle
RATE research reveals remarkable results—a fatal blow to billions of years
07 Nov 2005
RATE (Radioisotopes and the age of the earth) project conference examines if radioisotope dating shows rocks to be millions or billions of years old.
by Dr Jason Lisle
Hierarchical clustering in dinosaur baraminology studies
28 Jan 2022
Baraminology studies need adjustment to properly reflect the biblical distinction between flying animals like Archaeopteryx and land animals like dinosaurs.
by Matthew Cserhati, Brian Thomas, and Joel Tay
Planation surface and strath terraces point to a Flood origin for the Chinese Loess Plateau
28 May 2021
Such a large planation surface provides evidence of the Recessive Stage of the global Flood.
by Michael J. Oard
The AI revolution
29 Jan 2024
Humans are not meat-based computers; no matter how good an AI program might be at churning out responses to questions, it will never be emotionally involved with anything it does.
by David Thomas
Your Spectacular 2019 Creation Calendar
04 Oct 2018
Majestic creation wonders from all over the world.
by Tas Walker
A passion for the poor
21 Sep 2020
Ministering to the poor with biblical creation
by Margaret Wieland
How is it that I never knew?
21 Feb 2022
Tas Walker’s editorial from the latest Creation Magazine
by Tas Walker
Praise God. He is using CMI to change lives!
20 Dec 2019
Creation ministry changes lives. Read the testimonies!
by Gary Bates
Focus: creation news and views
Focus Creation news and views 38(1)
by N/A