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Parrot puzzle
20 Feb 2017
The parrot’s missing relatives can’t be found.
by David Catchpoole
Enzyme expert exposes evolution’s error
19 Mar 2012
Jonathan Sarfati interviews Finnish biochemist Matti Leisola.
by Jonathan Sarfati
WMAP ‘proof’ of big bang fails normal radiological standards
13 Feb 2009
COBE and WMAP satellite maps of cosmic microwave background fluctuations allegedly prove the big bang. But a radiology expert shows they are unreliable, miserably failing radiology standards.
by John Hartnett
Top Ten Biblical Problems for Young Earth Creationism—Answered
21 Jan 2021
Answers to challenges from a popular YouTube apologist, who posted an intellectually dishonest hatchet job on young-earth creation.
by Keaton Halley
Neutrinos faster than light?
11 Oct 2011
Neutrinos moving faster than light? Is it real? What would it mean?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfari
Evidence of a watery origin for the solar system
07 Nov 2006
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of an article from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Andrew Rigg
Dinosaur eggs point to the Flood
09 Oct 2019
Their survival is hard to explain, but after a little digging, answers start to emerge.
by Mike Oard
SCOTUS gay marriage rulings: what should we think?
29 Jun 2013
A defeat for two laws limiting gay marriage—but an opportunity for the Gospel
by Lita Sanders
The BBC—teaching British school children to celebrate “more than 100 genders”
14 Nov 2019
The BBC’s “The Big Talk” videos for British schools teach children that sex is unrelated to gender, and there are “over 100 different gender identities.”
by Gavin Cox
Do we still sin?
06 Aug 2009
How Darwinian evolution and millions of years are destroying the foundation of the gospel of Christ—in our theological colleges.
by David Phillips
Photosynthetic sea slugs: an evolutionary enigma
26 Nov 2010
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview from the now-released December issue of Journal of Creation. Subscribers will be delighted by the powerful, stimulating content.
by Shaun Doyle
Using facial angle to prove evolution and the human race hierarchy
24 Feb 2012
How a pseudo-scientific, racist idea was used to promote evolution, and what led to its demise.
by Jerry Bergman