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28 Nov 2018
Humans mostly find rodents repulsive, but lots of creatures love this one.
by Warren Nunn
Embittered evolutionist becomes rejoicing ‘creation evangelist’
08 Jun 2010
The testimony of a marine biologist and top nurse who was sure that evolution was true and the Bible wrong—but her world was falling apart.
‘Backwards’ comet perplexes scientists
27 Jan 2009
The recent discovery of a comet dubbed ‘Dracula’ has left evolutionary scientists scratching their heads as to its origins.
by David Catchpoole
Designer didn’t design junk
26 Aug 2020
Portions of the genome thought to have no purpose—disparagingly named ‘junk DNA ’—are now known to contain patterns suggesting instead an important functional role.
by David Catchpoole
Folded ferns
12 Jul 2017
A delicate, fossilised plant unsurprisingly speaks of catastrophic burial.
by Unknown
Who is wrong about the biblical date of the Flood, and the Great Pyramid? Somebody must be wrong somewhere …
05 Jun 2021
John B from the UK writes into CMI questioning the article Time fears the pyramids? How they fit into the true biblical history. Gavin Cox and Gary Bates respond.
by Gavin Cox, Gary Bates
Christianity stands or falls on the historical accuracy of Genesis
08 Nov 2016
If the Bible cannot be trusted in what it teaches about history, why should anybody trust it in anything else?
by Dominic Statham
Dealing with doubt
21 Apr 2013
There are good ways back to faith if believers sometimes experience doubt in their Christian walk.
by Lita Sanders
A global anti-Christian totalitarian threat
20 Mar 2020
A global anti-Christian totalitarian threat.
by John Loiterton
How did the earth recover after the flood?
29 Jun 2014
Would volcanic dust and ash block the sunlight? And would salt cover the continents?
by Tas walker, Michael Oard
The life and times of Wave Rock, Hyden, Western Australia
22 Sep 2020
How Noah’s Flood formed this fascinating feature.
by Tas Walker
The not-so-dark side of the Moon
23 Aug 2011
Volcanism on the far side of the moon points to a young solar system.
by Emil Silvestru