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Stephen Hawking: Key to the Cosmos
21 Aug 2012
Stephen Hawking fails in his latest attack on God, as well as in his attempt to explain the universe without God.
by Russell Grigg
The lush green Sahara
20 Sep 2021
How does the biblical framework explain a wet, lush Sahara in the past?
by Mike Oard
The 2009 Darwin celebrations
21 Jan 2009
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Tas Walker
Make believe knowledge
13 Dec 2011
We all ‘believe’ many things for many different reasons, but only Christianity is a belief with a solid rational foundation—Christ.
by Marc Ambler
The apparent age of the time dilated universe
24 Apr 2015
How clusters of stars lacking dust and gas impact the age of the universe.
by Ronald G. Samec
The Flood—a designed catastrophe?
02 Jan 2015
Even though secular geologists acknowledge catastrophic events in earth’s history, because they deny a global flood they have a different concept of the records in the rocks.
by Shaun Doyle
Biblical creation impedes evangelism? Plus yet another uninformed atheist.
04 Apr 2009
Should believers accept billions of years and evolution to avoid ridicule? Did God ‘entrap’ Adam?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Recent origin of species
19 Dec 2018
It does not add up for the evolutionary story.
by Don Batten
Progressive creationist anthropology: many reasons NOT to believe
17 Apr 2009
Long-age compromises have especially baneful effects when it comes to origin of mankind, butchering both Scripture and science.
by Peter Line
St Hutton’s Hagiography
07 Aug 2009
James Hutton: the pioneering founder of uniformitarian geology? Was he the bold empiricist and rational thinker, who cast aside biblical superstition. Or was this hagiographic revisionism from Playfair and Lyell.
by John Reid
Colossal Crystals
30 Aug 2017
Because the conditions under which they form are so rare, fast-growing cave crystals are another example of a young earth.
by Tas Walker
Billy Graham: 1918–2018
24 Feb 2018
‘America’s pastor’ died at the age of 99. What can Christians learn from his life and ministry?
by Scott Gillis