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Designed atmospheres?
19 Sep 2020
How does Earth’s atmosphere compare to those of other planets and what bearing does this question have for the creation versus evolution question?
by Philip Bell
Causeless capitulation on creation
01 Aug 2016
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Kiwi conservation conundrum
19 Aug 2021
Does evolution hinder conservation efforts for the kiwi?
by Mark James
Winning back the culture
24 Sep 2015
We all have a role to play in evangelism, and CMI can help!
by Paul Price
Scientific Experiments for Homeschoolers
Scientific Experiments for Homeschoolers by Davala and Dr Sarfati
by Steve Davala and Jonathan Sarfati
An atheist rubs shoulders with creationists
23 Feb 2018
Review of Among the Creationists: Dispatches from the Anti-Evolutionist Front Line.
by John Woodmorappe
Hybrid approaches to Creation
22 Nov 2018
Is there a middle ground between thousands and billions of years? Can the earth be hundreds of thousands of years old?
by Robert Carter
The Creator’s relationship with Israel and the Church
31 Mar 2016
The doctrine of creation moved the psalmists to praise God. Do we?
by Lita Sanders
Walking ain’t easy
03 Apr 2019
Robotics engineers trying to copy human bipedal locomotion have a long way to go
by David Catchpoole
Faltering between two opinions: the epistemological conundrum of old-earth creationism
12 Apr 2019
Missing why the age of the earth matters.
by Nick Sabato
Is bias a bad thing?
19 Jul 2018
Christians and atheists have presuppositions that affect how we interpret facts and evidence.
by Lita Sanders
Rusty cars and Christian institutions
03 Jan 2019
Biblical authority in Christian institutions tends to corrode away towards apostasy—what is the cure?
by Don Batten