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World's oldest salt lake only a few thousand years old
16 Aug 2017
Australia’s Lake Eyre does not live up to the age that has been assigned to it.
by Alexander R. Williams
‘Vestigial’ Organs: What do they prove?
by Dr Don Batten and Dr Jonathan Sarfati
How religiously neutral are the anti-creationist organisations?
The NCSE is vehemently opposed to Christians who believe the Biblical account of history, from the beginning. Is that ‘religiously neutral’?
by Don Batten and Jonathan Sarfati
Darwin, slavery, and abolition
23 Jul 2012
Did Darwin’s abhorrence of slavery have anything to do with his theory of evolution?
by Russell Grigg
Mercury: more marks of youth
07 Dec 2013
Creationist predictions confirmed, evolutionist predictions confounded by Messenger spacecraft orbiting Mercury.
by Andrew Lamb
What about parasites?
06 Sep 2010
If God created everything ‘very good’, where did disease-causing parasites come from?
by Robert Gurney
The incredible human hand
13 Nov 2014
Scientists who try to make a case for the ‘evolution’ of the hand actually highlight its perfect design.
by Carlos Estrada
‘The dingo’s got my baby!’
30 Sep 2020
Carl Wieland chats with Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton.
by Carl Wieland
Tackling the big freeze
by Carl Wieland
Mary: the biblical woman behind the cultural legend
19 Dec 2019
What does the Bible tell us about Mary, the mother of Jesus?
by Lita Cosner and Robert Carter
Was Jesus an alien?
10 Feb 2018
How can we show the absurdity of the ‘alien Jesus’ idea?
by Shaun Doyle
The Mormon Creation according to Joseph Smith
05 Nov 2014
Mormon founder Joseph Smith taught a very different understanding of our origins to the Genesis account of Creation.