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Voting with their feet
11 Dec 2006
14,000 people surveyed say why they abandoned mainstream churches. They want teaching that defends The Faith, upholds moral absolutes and stands on the authority of the Bible. Many recommended creationist websites.
by Don Batten
Are Christians truly moral or obedient out of fear?
11 Aug 2012
Christianity is often characterized as a religion of fear. However true ‘fear of God’ is quite different from what many think.
by Dominic Statham
Colorado Plateau sandstones derived from the Appalachians?
21 Jan 2011
What are the possibilities and limits of determining the original outcrop location of transported rocks?
by Michael J Oard
Fountains of the great deep on Mars?
13 Jan 2009
New data indicates that there were huge underground springs of water that burst forth on Mars—and huge buried glaciers have also been identified.
by Carl Wieland
Post-Flood Race for Survival
29 Feb 2020
Would animals have to run for their lives as soon as they got off the ark? Would some go extinct as they got hunted by predators?
by Thomas Bailey
The Divine Engineer
27 Jul 2010
An engineering student reviews By Design, noting how many sound engineering principles are used in nature, in such a variety of ways.
by E. van Niekerk
The fossil record and Precambrian rabbits
27 Jan 2018
Why unexpected fossil finds won’t falsify evolution.
by Tas Walker
Is God obscure and arbitrary in what He wants from us?
25 Jan 2015
A skeptic overlooks the fact that God has made Himself known to us in various ways when he claims that He treats humans unfairly.
by Shaun Doyle
The Appalachian Mountains are young
30 Jun 2017
The receding waters of Noah’s Flood better explain what shaped geological features such as mountains, valleys and rivers.
by Michael J.Oard
How should we interpret the numbers in the Bible?
09 May 2015
And: How trustworthy are the writings of Josephus?
by Lita Sanders
Francis Bacon and the alleged conflict between science and the Bible
11 May 2021
Is science independent of Scripture?
by Nicos Kaloyirou
Would Christ create through evolution?
01 Jun 2017
Refuting another theistic evolutionary argument from N.T. Wright.
by Lita Sanders