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Five reasons why evolution is important?
27 Apr 2010
They focus on health and medical research so you will have a favourable impression about evolution, but what do they mean by evolution?
by Tas Walker
Does denying the existence of alien life ‘limit God’?
12 Apr 2011
A correspondent, while acknowledging that we reason biblically, thinks that it limits God to deny the existence of alien life. Is he right? We respond.
by Carl Wieland
The Z-factor
07 Mar 2024
What was the ‘Z-factor’ that convinced a university geology lecturer of a 6,000-year-old earth?
by David Catchpoole
Creation: antidote for depression
21 Jan 2008
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Tas Walker
Stumped by biblical creation
24 Nov 2015
Jim Stump at BioLogos recently posted an article claiming to resolve 10 ‘common misconceptions’ about evolution which attacks biblical creation. Does it stack up?
by Paul Price
OT scholar: Genesis teaches a short timescale
26 Nov 2018
Old Testament professor: Genesis 5 and 11 are accurate and gap-free timelines that teach a ~6,000-year-old earth
by Jonathan Sarfati
Revival? What is missing?
24 Feb 2010
Many churches today are praying for revival, and that’s good. But something else is needed, too. (As every good parachute salesman knows.)
by Don Batten
Variable radioactive decay rates and the changes in solar activity
05 Dec 2014
The effects of solar activity are causing some scientists to question whether radioactive decay rates are constant.
by Andrew Sibley
The force of probability arguments
29 Mar 2015
Essential to understand chemical evolution, and all other processes we take for granted.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Australia's largest dinosaur drowned and buried in Noah's Flood
17 Jun 2021
Drowned and buried in Noah’s Flood.
by Tas Walker
Global Atheist Convention
17 Jan 2012
Stimulates Christian evangelism
by Tas Walker
Don’t read the Bible!?
17 Jun 2014
Elitism of the worst kind, from a media presenter on religious affairs—a former church minister and lecturer in theology.
by David Catchpoole