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Did God create time?
09 Jan 2016
Communicating God’s transcendent uniqueness to people of other religions.
by Shaun Doyle
The Stickleback: Evidence of evolution?
08 Sep 2009
The pro-Darwin crowd are crowing over rapid and dramatic changes in a little fish—dubbing it a ‘superstar’ of evolution.
by David Catchpoole
Why does science work at all?
11 Oct 2023
The Bible provides all the necessary assumptions, but atheistic evolution can’t.
by Jonathan Sarfati
‘Lost world’ animals—found!
20 Apr 2022
Cave drawings brought to life by exciting discoveries.
by Carl Wieland
Using the Bible to prove the Bible?
11 Jan 2010
Jesus’ words break the circle.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Dr Mark Harwood
Mark played a key role in the development of Australia’s national satellite system from its inception in 1980. He was responsible for the conceptual system design and payload system for four generations of Optus satellites. These satellites were designed to deliver direct-to-home television services and general communications services throughout Australia and New Zealand.
The Stone ‘Age’—a figment of the imagination?
21 Sep 2016
Claims that there was such a time as the Stone Age are not supported by the evidence.
by Robert Niemand
Charles Lyell’s hidden agenda—to free science “from Moses”
He deceived the church to accept his false ideas that undermined the Gospel.
by David Catchpoole and Tas Walker
Muddy Waters
02 Apr 2024
It suits the evolutionary cause to muddy the waters about natural selection—to imply it’s the same thing as evolution. But it’s crystal-clear that it’s not.
by Carl Wieland
Was Christianity plagiarized from pagan myths?
10 Jan 2009
?to be supplied?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Nephesh chayyāh
08 Apr 2014
Life can only truly be understood by starting with the Creation account in the Bible.
by David Pitman
Why did God create Satan?
26 Sep 2015
If God is all-knowing and all-good, why did He make the devil?
by Keaton Halley