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Of missing gaps and magic bullets
28 Apr 2012
Does the Bible teach any sort of a ‘gap’ theory? Is there such a thing as a universal ‘knock down’ argument against evolution?
by Carl Wieland
Is the earth really only 6,000 years old?
19 Dec 2009
Some Christians are ‘uncomfortable’ about believing something ‘dogmatically’.
by Lita Cosner, Don Batten
Mollie Kathleen’s Marvellous Mysteries
Fast-forming stalactites and stalagmites are clear evidence against long ages.
by Gary Livesay
Parrot prodigy
07 Mar 2007
A parrot with an amazing capacity for using spoken language astonishes scientists—and defies evolutionary expectations.
by Daniel Anderson
Evolution and the breakup of Christendom
27 Nov 2012
What is the most serious ‘battering ram of unbelief’ affecting today’s Church? Over 80 years ago, a leading Christian scholar argued that it was evolution!
by Philip Bell
BioLogos misreads Jesus on the age of the earth
25 Jan 2018
Theistic evolutionists at BioLogos make a vain attempt to sidestep Jesus’ teaching on the age of the earth.
by Keaton Halley
The Machine
28 Apr 2015
The discovery of a super-complex machine has the world’s best scientific minds scrambling for answers.
by Michael G Matthews
No evolution in pollution: killifish survivors are ‘losers’
15 Sep 2021
Killifish have been found living in polluted rivers with levels of industrial toxins 8,000 times the lethal dose.
by David Catchpoole
Polypterus: Teaching a fish to walk?
05 Dec 2016
Novelty fish are an aquarist’s treat and research into bichirs ‘walking’ is now claimed to support the sea-land evolutionary transition by man’s fishy ancestors.
by Philip Bell
Why believe God took as long as six days to create?
19 Dec 2015
Why did the church reject the view that God created everything in an instant?
by Shaun Doyle
Back to the beginning
01 Mar 2014
Contrary to the assertions of many secularists, science supports the Bible rather than undermines it.
by Dominic Statham
Is the Torah historical?
28 May 2016
Is history vs. myth a modern distinction?
by Lita Sanders