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Does the Bible condone torture?
04 Apr 2015
by Lita Sanders
Science: The unreliable historian
10 Jul 2014
Why we can’t rely on scientific discoveries to give an accurate account of what happened in the past.
by Kevin T. Horton
Expert engineer eschews “evolutionary design”
14 Mar 2011
Interview with Stuart Burgess, leading expert on biomimetics, explaining how human designers are learning from the Master Designer.
by Philip Bell
Creationist contributions to science
28 Dec 2015
Biblical creationists founded modern science and continue to contribute substantially, contrary to hype from those with an anti-God agenda.
by Don Batten
Has the ‘smoking gun’ of the ‘big bang’ been found?
20 Mar 2014
Media headlines make people think that some astounding scientific ‘proof’ has been discovered. The reality is far less spectacular.
by John G Hartnett
The biological classification of humans
30 Jun 2013
Is man an animal? A mammal? A primate? Or something more …
by Don Batten
Bodily functions and blue eyes in the pre-Fall world?
22 Dec 2018
How helpful are our ideas of beauty and disgust at gauging what the pre-Fall world was like?
by Shaun Dayle
A giant hoax
27 Mar 2017
Have people really found skeletons of giants?
by Lita Sanders
The search for Adam, Eve, Noah and the Flood—in Ancient Egypt?
13 Feb 2021
Answering an interesting question about whether the Ancient Egyptians knew about Adam’s genealogies up to Noah and Mizraim.
by Gavin Cox
Evolutionists can’t dodge ‘Living Fossils’
11 Feb 2013
Things staying the same pose a problem evolution, which is about fantastic changes. See how evolutionists dodge the evidence.
by Don Batten
Resurrecting a ‘prehistoric’ horse
07 Jun 2017
Horses are horses, of course, and they had their genesis in Genesis.
by Philip Bell
From Atheism to Christ
02 Jan 2017
A young scientist indoctrinated in atheistic philosophy in China came to America and was dramatically converted to Christianity.
by Rob Carter