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Off the planet!
15 Jan 2007
A leading evolutionary scientist believes that a cosmic ‘greeting card’ could have been left in our DNA.
by By Gary Bates
06 Jul 2021
Where does the biblical Nimrod fit into extrabiblical history?
by James R. Hughes
A miracle by any other name would be … called science?
10 Nov 2011
Taking their own medicine. Atheists sometimes criticize Christians as irrational for believing in miracles. Can their worldview withstand the same examination?
by Calvin Smith
‘Sexual perversion is good for you’, claims BBC
27 Sep 2012
According to the BBC, sexual perversion improves relationships.
by Dominic Statham
Creation in-depth: ‘Ancient’ coral growth layers
21 Feb 2014
Do ‘ancient’ corals show that days were shorter than now?
by Dr Robert Carter
Maniitsoq crater, Greenland
27 Jan 2015
When did the impact occur?
by Tas Walker
Answering fools’ folly
29 Sep 2014
Does the Bible contradict itself in Proverbs 26:4–5?
by David Catchpoole
Can evangelicals agree on ten theses about creation and evolution?
23 Mar 2023
Can genuine Evangelicals really come to some agreement?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Abortions vs miscarriages
17 Mar 2013
The crucial difference between abortion and miscarriage.
by Lita Sanders
Supposed ‘icon of evolution’, Archaeopteryx, was “dressed for flight” in modern, probably black, feathers
27 May 2021
Extract the exciting new fact about Archaeopteryx from the ‘paleobabble’ and evolutionary hype—and the conclusion is obvious.
by David Catchpoole
It’s not Christianity!
02 Oct 2012
The fallout of theistic evolution is often a ‘shattered’ worldview, and sometimes the loss of faith altogether.
by Lita Cosner, Gary Bates
The FOXP2 gene supports Neandertals being fully human
11 Sep 2009
DNA analysis reveals the exact same protein as modern humans supporting the creationist interpretation.
by Peer Terborg and Royal Truman