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Believe it or not—the earth is young!
28 Nov 2007
Evidence mounts that the earth is not millions of years old. What does that mean for me?
by Tas Walker
Creation in-depth: Creation and the Church Fathers
14 Mar 2014
What did early Church Fathers believe about creation and why?
by Andrew Sibley
Did a Chicxulub impact wipe out dinosaurs?
10 Apr 2021
Did a meteorite really wipe out the dinosaurs? If not, what did?
by Jonathan Sarfati and Joel Tay
A review of the movie Exodus: Gods and Kings
06 Dec 2014
Movie makers continue to find new and creative ways to present events from history. Moses and the Jewish nation’s exodus from Egypt again get the Hollywood ‘treatment’.
by Warren Nunn
Living (and eating) like a caveman?
04 Jan 2023
'Paleo' diet vs 'Hallelujah' diet? Better to follow the evidence.
by Carl Wieland
National Geographic unveils ‘Wilma’ the Neandertal lady
07 Oct 2008
Primitive? Sub-human? Even this evolutionary magazine portrays Neandertals as much more human than used to be the case.
by Carl Wieland
Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle provides compelling evidence for the Bible
10 Feb 2020
The third installment of Patterns of Evidence examines the question: can we really believe God parted the Red Sea?
by Lita Sanders
Evolution makes atheists out of people!
19 Jan 2023
Theistic evolutionists undermine faith at ‘Bible’ Colleges; can your church people defend what they believe?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Why would Christians be hostile to biblical creation?
13 Jul 2014
There are many different reasons.
by Shaun Doyle
Thousands of Dinosaur footprints found in China
23 Feb 2010
Scientists describe evidence of Noah’s Flood without realizing it.
by Tas Walker
Magnetic fields and the science of biblical creation
06 Jul 2013
Do magnetic fields decay exponentially?
by Jonathan Sarfari
Fascinating flower pots
16 Sep 2020
Noah’s Flood explains Hopewell Rocks, Canada
by Tas Walker