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Not Finding Noah
13 Oct 2015
The film Finding Noah turned up no evidence that the Ark is still on Ararat, just as CMI has taught for decades.
by Lita Cosner and Jonathan Sarfati
Is the dog’s ‘collar bone’ vestigial?
29 Nov 2022
The dog’s shoulder is a brilliant design, in spite of evolutionary teaching to the contrary.
by Philip Bell
Huge dinosaurs flee rising waters of Noah’s Flood in Australia
30 Oct 2012
ABC’s Catalyst program reports Kimberley dinosaur stampede.
by Tas Walker
The Church Fathers on the Genesis Flood
28 Feb 2012
The Church Fathers were practically unanimous in affirming the historical reality and global extent of the Genesis Flood.
by Paul Garner
An inconsistent society—An upside down view of Down’s syndrome abortion
17 Nov 2016
The double standards of those who champion abortion are exposed when the rights of the disabled are addressed.
by Phil Robinson
Monkey madness
01 May 2013
It wasn’t exactly a Shakespearean response that researchers got when they put a keyboard and computer screen in the local zoo’s monkey enclosure!
by David Catchpoole
Exposing Evolution’s Icon
04 Feb 2008
Sickle-cell anemia is an ‘icon of evolution’, but one of the world’s leading experts firmly rejects this claim and affirms biblical creation.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Are the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets old?
07 Oct 2013
We need to put on the biblical glasses and take a close look at the evidence.
by Michael J Oard
William Lane Craig contra The Genesis Account
26 Mar 2019
William Lane Craig swings at The Genesis Account—and misses.
by Jonathan Sarfati
How do people come into a right relationship with God?
16 Jun 2007
How did people who lived prior to Jesus’ time get saved, as they could not have put their faith in him? And how does that apply to Muslims?
by Russell Grigg
Chamberlain and the Church
04 Aug 2008
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of an article from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Breeding unicorns
19 Jan 2014
Are there any limits to the production of hybrid animals?
by Keaton Halley