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Changing paradigms in stratigraphy—another ‘new uniformitarianism’?
10 Jan 2020
Can uniformitarianism be saved from the drastic incompleteness of the rock record under long-age assumptions?
by John Reed
Ethiopia’s ‘little Edens’
20 Apr 2020
How the church in Ethiopia preserved biodiversity.
by Lita Sanders
The Manx comet and naturalistic assumptions
20 Jul 2018
Naturalistic assumptions can get in the way of understanding the origin of solar system objects.
by Wayne Spencer
Creation magazine
Creation magazine 40(2) Contents
by Philip Harris
Five things you may not know about Noah
08 Apr 2024
Noah’s global Flood followed some 16 centuries after Creation. He took his family and animals on board, including dinosaurs, but not tigers or zebras. Do you know why?
by Lucien Tuinstra & Philip Robinson
Orangutan mutter
07 May 2020
Research on great apes supposedly helps us understand the evolution of speech. Is this true?
by Lucien Tuinstra
Is the RubisCO enzyme an ineffective leftover of evolution?
25 Jan 2020
Some evolutionists claim that the RubisCO enzyme is an evolutionary leftover, but when we look at the details it is obviously a design element!
by Matthew Cserhati
Is it ok to be a blunt instrument?
12 Oct 2019
A friend of the ministry asks, didn’t Jesus and Paul use nasty language toward their opponents? We give an answer.
by Gary Bates and Lita Cosner
Meaning, and why does God allow suffering?
27 Sep 2014
How do we know that there is objective meaning in the world? And why would a loving God allow suffering?
by Lita Sanders
Synchronized dance of dwarf galaxies
30 Mar 2020
Stumps big bang boffins
by John Hartnett
Nature’s creatures do ‘impossible’ things
31 Dec 2018
Water striders are strides ahead of robotics engineers, and fleas have the jump on them, too
by David Catchpoole
Life: worthless or priceless?
02 Jul 2020
Is it okay to abort deformed babies?
by Lucien Tuinstra