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Andrew Sibley
Andrew Sibley biography
by Andrew Sibley
Solar wind protects us from cosmic rays
03 Mar 2020
Why do we have solar wind? Startling discoveries by Voyager 2 show its great benefits to life.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Does inbreeding always decrease genetic variety?
29 Apr 2012
Inbreeding effects in post-Flood populations.
by Don Batten
‘How do we know that evolution is really happening?’
01 Oct 2015
A point-by-point response to the BBC’s recent propaganda piece on The Big Questions: Evolution
by Mike Guddat
Dancing Dinosaurs?
28 Oct 2008
A remarkable array of dinosaur footprints found on the Arizona-Utah border in the USA point, not to a dance floor but, to a stampede during Noah’s Flood. See why.
by Michael J. Oard
Moths navigating by the stars?
23 Aug 2017
There are many unsolved mysteries surrounding migratory instincts.
by Unknown
Angst over archaeology
05 Oct 2013
When archaeologists make discoveries endorsing the Bible’s history, the astonishment, angst and even anger from some quarters can be very great indeed.
by David Catchpoole
Anyone for fundamentalism?
06 Jun 2012
Those who believe the Bible are often linked with Islamic terrorists through a term that used to have an honourable meaning, but is now viewed as derogatory. What does ‘fundamentalism’ mean nowadays?
by Russell Grigg
Is Genesis poetry? and Who was the father of hermeneutics?
20 Nov 2010
This weekend feedback discusses the origin of the non-literal interpretation of Genesis, and who deserves the title ‘Father of Hermeneutics’.
by Lita Sanders
The curious case of the ‘unfossilized’ bones
15 Dec 2016
At least one scientist is up in arms about the ‘unfossilized’ hadrosaur bones from Alaska!
by Paul Price
Fawn among the flowers
18 May 2016
Simply touching a baby deer could end its life.
by Dr Wolfgang Kuhn
Skeptical tactic for shutting down debates
14 Oct 2014
When evolutionists refuse to even read creation material, the debate can’t even begin.
by Gary Bates, Lita Cosner