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Paris attacks inspire anti-religious sentiment
20 Nov 2015
A street pianist’s performance shows a lack of understanding in the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks.
by Paul Price
Colourblind squid camouflage inspires Navy research
27 May 2013
How do squid match their surroundings when they are colourblind? The solution has inspired designers of a camouflaging material.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Could God cause the beginning of the universe?
09 Apr 2016
Can God be uncaused and eternal? Can a sentient cause be uncaused?
by Shaun Doyle
Creation, Islam, evangelism, and academic integrity
08 Apr 2013
Lita Sanders interviews Dr Emir Caner of Truett–McConnell College.
by Lita Sanders
What is Peripatus?
03 Sep 2014
It’s not a caterpillar. Nor an earthworm—its ‘legs’ have retractable feet and hooked claws. And it most certainly is not a ‘missing link’.
by Margaret Helder
Lucy’s baboon backbone
11 Jul 2018
Human error shows scientists are just as prone to making mistakes as anyone else
by Keaton Halley
Bombardier idea
01 Apr 2015
The bombardier beetle’s explosive secrets are inspiring engineers to design better aircraft engines.
by David Catchpoole
Eugenics is back
21 Jan 2019
It is abhorrent that humans should decide which baby is allowed to live based on their ‘fitness’.
by Russell Grigg
The remarkable African Planation Surface
24 Aug 2012
A new synthesis of African planation surfaces concludes that there is one large, warped planation surface on Africa, called the African Surface.
by Michael J. Oard
Argon diffusion data support RATE’s 6,000-year helium age of the earth
14 Sep 2012
Supports RATE project’s 6,000-year helium age of the earth
by D Russell Humphreys
Carbon-14 in diamonds: Refuting Talk.Origins
12 Nov 2016
Carbon-14 in Diamonds is still a problem for evolutionists.
by Joel Tay
Buddha, science and Jesus
03 Feb 2014
Pastor uses creation and science to help reach Buddhists.
by Carl Wieland