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Fossilized insects show signs of stasis and rapid burial!
03 Jul 2015
Fossilized in the act of mating, these insects were clearly rapidly buried.
by Johan Kruger
‘Animal salad’ points to catastrophic demise
30 Apr 2018
Evolutionists struggle to explain an enormous fossil graveyard that includes sea, land, and flying creatures.
by Len de Beer
Dinosaur demise did not jump start mammal evolution
18 Dec 2009
Another long-cherished evolutionary ‘truth’ falls by the wayside.
by Michael J. Oard
Medicine and miracles
09 Feb 2019
God can do miracles, so is getting medical care a sign of lacking faith?
by Lita Sanders
Time travel and moral implications
07 Aug 2010
What are the moral implications of time travel? Is it even logically possible?
by Carl Wieland
Dystopian science
28 Mar 2019
Humanity emerges from the rubble of a nuclear holocaust. Would science be reborn?
by Lita Cosner, Robert Carter
Researcher speaks up on pressure to conform
17 Nov 2009
Whether from self-censorship or peer review, data that goes against ‘the prevailing view’ doesn’t get published.
by Carl Wieland
“Scoffers will come in the last days”
11 Oct 2016
Not only a head-teacher but, ‘horror of horrors’, a biblical creationist newsreader—whatever next? The End Times mockers believe in freedom of speech for all but those pesky evolution doubters.
by Philip Bell
Thinking biblically about termites and lizards
14 Oct 2012
Only when we use the Bible consistently as our foundation can we properly make sense of life.
by Shaun Doyle, Don Batten
God, the universe, tolerance and suffering—Big issues, big questions from a curious seeker
27 Aug 2022
A World By Design conference attendee submits six questions, on existential type issues of the sort most people ponder at some point in their lives.
by Andrew Lamb
Post-Flood man continues to become smarter
23 Jan 2015
Evolutionists continue to be confounded by discoveries that man had complex intelligence at a point in history much earlier than they expected.
by Michael J. Oard
Building morality on evolutionary foundations?
21 Aug 2018
Leading evangelical scholar undermined by his own evolutionary presuppositions.
by Gavin Cox