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What about the big bang?
by Werner Gitt
Cladistics, evolution and the fossils
12 Oct 2012
How are all those nicely presented evolutionary trees put together? Do they really demonstrate evolution?
by Shaun Doyle
Human tails?
30 Apr 2015
‘Atavistic tails’ and evolution: are some people born with a throwback to a tailed monkey ancestor?
by Calvin Smith, Carl Wieland
Ancient civilizations and modern man
29 Jun 2016
For evolutionists, our ancestors must be dumb and ‘on the way’ to becoming smarter, but the evidence points rather to them being highly intelligent.
by David Criswell
Nothing new under the Cosmos
23 Mar 2014
Neil deGrasse Tyson is a worthy successor—as an atheistic propagandist—to Carl Sagan, but nothing we haven’t refuted.
by Jonothan Sarfati
RATE group reveals exciting breakthroughs!
21 Aug 2003
The C-14 results are an independent but powerful confirmation of the stunning helium-diffusion results.
by Carl Wieland
Why did God choose just Israel?
05 Aug 2017
Why didn’t God reveal himself to all of creation as opposed to just Abraham and his descendants?
by Shaun Doyle
The ‘gender neutral’ Bible
10 Sep 2009
‘Inclusive’ versions of the Bible distort the message of Scripture to avoid being offensive.
by Lita Sanders
Has the New Testament been corrupted?
23 Jan 2024
The New Testament is the most well-attested ancient work—and we are finding new manuscripts even today!
by Lita Sanders
Darwin, Lyell and Origin of Species
05 Nov 2009
Charles Darwin
by Dominic Statham
The trial and death of Adolf Eichmann
03 Mar 2009
Eichmann’s evolutionary worldview provided the rationale for his participation in the Nazi Holocaust, with no regrets.
by Russell Grigg
The age of the earth: The Bible is reliable.
10 Dec 2022
Nervous about taking a stand on the age of the earth? Prefer a less dogmatic approach?—Why the Bible can be trusted.
by Andrew Lamb