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Now a Creationist
12 May 2009
CMI Ph.D. scientist and author, Jonathan Sarfati, explains to an outside site what turned him to biblical creation
by Jonathan Sarfati
Refuting Evolution 2—Appendix 1
A sequel to Refuting Evolution that refutes the latest arguments to support evolution (as presented by PBS and Scientific American).
by Jonathan Sarfati
Can bunny rabbits be saved?
16 Oct 2010
Since there is going to be a Restoration, will animals be saved to be part of the new creation—and if not, will animals be there at all?
by Gary Bates
The importance of foundations
30 Dec 2010
Genesis is indispensible grounding for Christianity and facing today’s secular society.
by Greg Demme
Review of Creation the movie
27 Jan 2010
This movie portrays Charles Darwin as a loving, devoted family man who struggles personally over the implications of his theory, thus leading viewers to regard his evolutionary ideas sympathetically.
by Dominic Statham
Evolutionary dilemma
03 Oct 2016
Discoveries of such things as gene regulatory networks and epigenetics are creating a crisis for evolutionists
by Don Batten
Mission not impossible!
18 Apr 2012
Eastern religions might have a superficial appeal to some, and have seemingly absorbed Darwinism readily, but only the Bible has the true answers that all need to hear.
by Russell Grigg
Red Sea Parting, Jonah, and miracles in general
03 Nov 2013
How should we think about biblical miracles, both specifically and generally?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Sedimentary blankets
05 Mar 2012
Visual evidence for vast continental flooding
by Tas Walker
Biblical history and the role of science
14 Nov 2011
Science can help elucidate Scripture, including model-building to aid understanding. But these models must be held loosely, never given the same authority as God-breathed Scripture.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
National Geographic claims creationists are at war with science
19 Mar 2015
Is science determined by majority vote?
by Lita Cosner, Keaton Halley
Countering atheistic arguments
26 Mar 2011
Dr Rob Carter gives five concise responses
by Rob Carter