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Does Conway’s ‘Game of Life’ support abiogenesis?
15 Oct 2022
Does Conway’s Game of Life show that complex structures can arise from simple rules?
by Shaun Doyle
Strengthening the Shishak/Shoshenq synchrony
14 Oct 2022
How strong is the evidence that pharaoh 'Shoshenq I' of Egyptian archaeology is the biblical Shishak?
by Gavin Cox
The epistemic abyss of naturalistic evolution
13 Oct 2022
However trustworthy our minds are, naturalistic evolution struggles to know itself.
by Shaun Doyle
Was something created from nothing?
11 Oct 2022
Does Schwinger effect in graphene prove that something can come from nothing?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Shunning the Shishak/ Shoshenq synchrony?
08 Oct 2022
CMI’s Gavin Cox is challenged regarding his Journal article on the chronological issues of biblical Shishak being pharaoh Shoshenq 1.
by Gavin Cox
Passive margins explained by Flood runoff
07 Oct 2022
Better explained in the context of Noah’s Flood.
by Michael J. Oard
Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets explained within biblical history
06 Oct 2022
How can these ice sheets which are so different be explained by the same Ice Age?
by Michael J. Oard
Diabolical ironclad beetles inspire extra-strong joints
05 Oct 2022
Ironclad beetle laminated elytra have special joins that confer extra toughness, and might inspire aircraft joints.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Cancelling Eve
04 Oct 2022
Until quite recently, an article on what it means to be a woman would have been deemed rather absurd. Not anymore. In our post-Christian culture, confusion abounds.
by Andrew Sibley
Finding Adam—in Ancient Egypt
03 Oct 2022
The Egyptians knew about Creation, Adam, Eve, the Serpent, and the Tree of Knowledge. This knowledge was handed down from Noah’s descendants after the Flood and Babel.
by Gavin Cox
A very doctrinaire evolutionist rehashes all the canned arguments
30 Sep 2022
A doctrinaire evolutionist rehashes old canards and calumnies.
by John Woodmorappe
Goliath—the BHG
29 Sep 2022
Seven archeological evidences demonstrating the historicity of David’s slaying of Goliath.
by Gavin Cox