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Copying confusion
Copying confusion Does duplication of existing DNA help evolution? by Alexander Williams
by Alexander Williams
DNA: marvellous messages or mostly mess?
DNA: marvellous messages or mostly mess? by Jonathan Sarfati 2003 was the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Butterfly blast
World-leading butterfly book launches a stunning 'both barrels' attack on evolution.
by Carl Wieland
Blob or baby?
With scientific advancement comes ethical issues, particularly when it involves human life.
by Alexander Williams
The grey blanket
Why one creature's rapid population growth has lessons for everyone.
by Carl Wieland
Bishop Bell’s brass behemoths!
A tomb at an English cathedral features dinosaur imagery.
by Philip Bell
Exploding the big bang!
Exploding the big bang! An interview with creationist physicist/cosmologist John Hartnett
by Gary Bates
Atomic power
by Carl Wieland
Apes, words and people
by Alexander Williams
Great Creation Scientists
A German-born Christian used his thirst for knowledge about the heavens to lay the foundations of modern astronomy in his adopted country England.
by Ann Lamont, B.Sc., M.Ed.St.
What’s this all about?
Gary Bates
Like many Christians, Gary, formerly a convinced evolutionist, had difficulty upon his conversion in reconciling the so-called ‘facts’ of evolution with the Bible. His journey has now led him to be fully affirmed in the truth of God’s Word from the very first verse.